13th Congress of Qualitative Inquiry
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 17 - 20, 2017
Registration is still available for Reiner Keller's on-site workshop under
"Doing Discourse Research” (Workshop on Thursday, May 18)
Discourse Studies today cover a large field across the social scienes, ranging from work inspired by Foucault, Critical Discourse Analysis through Hegemonics Analysis, Corpus Lingustics and more interpretive approaches. The present workshop on “Doing Discourse Research” will introduce participants to the main positions in the heterogeneous field of discourse research (including Foucauldian perspectives, CDA, Hegemonics and the Sociology of Knowledge approach to discourse SKAD). As there is no one best way to discourse research, each of the positions mentioned allows for dealing with particular questions in critical inquiry into discourses. The first part of the workshop therefore discusses the relationship between theoretical groundings, analytical potential and methods of doing discourse research in these diverse approaches. Second, the workshop will present in more detailed ways the proceedings of the sociology of knowledge approach to discourse developed by Reiner Keller. SKAD draws on Berger & Luckmann’s sociology of knowledge, but includes major Foucauldian concepts and research interests. Integrating both, it re-orientates discourse research towards questions of social relationships of knowledge and politics of knowledge, referring in its concrete ‘ways of doing’ to qualitative research design and interpretative analytics.Part 1: The arena of discourse studies
- Discourse Research – which approach, what for?
- How to find good questions?
- The analytical process: Deconstruction, reconstruction or co-construction?
- Multiple ways of doing and multiple outcomes
- Looking for discourses and ‘dispositifs’: Texts and beyond
- Strategies for analyzing data